Our C platform

Where business processes come alive

The C platform is the starting point for all your business processes

In order to offer your company a comprehensive software solution that covers all business processes, we have created the C platform. This platform is the heart of our group of companies and integrates expertise from five core areas: Facility Management & Data Center Management, Energy Data Management, Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence.

With the C platform, we are setting new standards in the optimization and digitalization of your business processes, thus ensuring the continuous success of your company


Facility Management with speedikon® C

Energy Data Management with WiriTec® C

Data Center Management with DAMS C

“The solutions of our four companies can be used individually or integrated. As a customer, you have access to our entire portfolio, regardless of your focus when working with us.”

Adrian Merkel, managing director

Our Group of Companies

Charly the Chameleon

Thanks to their adaptability, chameleons stand for flexibility, dynamism and performance. They embody this, for example, through their ability to change color as well as body shape and through their hunting technique. It is because of these characteristics that we chose Charly to embody the speedikon® C, WiriTec® C and DAMS C software solutions on our shared C platform.

Standard software – but tailored to your needs

Our CAFM software offers you a tailor-made solution for the efficient management of your properties and facilities. It combines the flexibility of individual customization with the advantages of a proven standard solution to meet your specific requirements and achieve optimal results.

speedikon®combines complete flexibility with the efficiency of a proven solution and adapts perfectly to the individual needs of your company.

Visit www.speedikonfm.com to find out more.

Be on site in seconds

Framence’s photorealistic digital twin allows you to be at any one of your facilities in seconds – save yourself expensive travel, access real-time data remotely, navigate through your factory and take precise measurements directly on screen.

With Framence, you are always up-to-date and ready for action without leaving your desk.

Visit www.framence.com to find out more.

Your compass in the age of the AI revolution

AI creates new opportunities – at Innomatik, we make sure you don’t miss out on yours. Our innovative solutions in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics enable you to automate processes, increase efficiency and to face today’s business challenges.

With Innomatik, you can navigate safely through the AI revolution and seize every opportunity to successfully lead your company into the future.

Visit www.innomatik.com to find out more.